How to create email lists
To create an email list, do the following:
Step 1: Go to the left side of your dashboard. Click on View all lists to have access the Subscriber lists page.
Step 2: Click on the Add a new list button to access the list name modal.
Step 3: Enter your preferred list name, select between Single Opt-In and Double Opt-In, and click on the Add button to access the Import via CSV file page.
Note: The Single Opt-In option doesn't require subscribers to verify their email addresses, but the Double Opt-In option requires subscribers to verify their emails before subscription is completed.
Step 4: Add name and email per line in the text area provided, then click the Add button. Follow the example in the placeholder of the text area as seen in the picture below.
For multiple emails at once, you can import a list as CSV. You can use the link in 1 to download a sample CSV, then click on the Choose File button to upload your preferred CSV file from your computer, then click the Import button. Sample is like picture 3.
If the number of columns in your list is more than two (name and email), use the link in picture 2 to create the extra custom fields you want with exact names.
Note: You can only upload a list of not more than 500 rows to improve efficiency. No field should be empty.